Speaking Engagements

Susanne has gained popularity thanks to her captivating and thought-provoking talks and workshops on leadership. Her presentations not only acknowledge the hard work of leaders but also inspire them to think in fresh and imaginative ways. By recognizing the dedication and effort of leaders, Susanne empowers them to explore innovative approaches and break free from conventional thinking. She encourages leaders to consider diverse perspectives, experiment with new strategies, and find unique solutions to the challenges they face. Through her engaging presentations, Susanne instills the belief that embracing creativity and adopting new ways of thinking can unlock exciting possibilities and yield positive outcomes.

Upcoming and past speaking engagements:

May 2024

Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP)- Leading from the Middle Workshop: A Workshop for Assistant and Associate Directors

New York Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) Women’s Leadership Summit 2024- “One Size Does Not Fit All”

April 2024

Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE) 2024 Business and Operations Conference & Expo- “Managing and Moving through Difficult Conversations”

Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) webinar- “Navigating Difficult Conversations: Understanding the Challenges and Strategies for Success”

Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP) 2024 New England Lower & Middle School Directors' Meeting

February 2024

Small School Leaders Conference- “Setting Priorities and Establishing Boundaries as a Leader"

January 2024

Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) Emerging Leaders Workshop- “Developing High-Performing Teams”

November 2023

Tennessee Association of Independent Schools (TAIS) Conference- “Navigating Difficult Conversations: Understanding the Challenges and Strategies for Success”

Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS) Annual Conference- “Navigating Difficult Conversations: Understanding the Challenges and Strategies for Success”

June 2023

Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) Summer Conference- “Developing Internal Leaders: Growing Talent Within your School”

Independent Schools of the Southwest (ISAS) Division Heads Conference- “Creating Strategy-Focused Teams”

May 2023

CT Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) Spring Leadership Conference: for Heads of Schools & School Leaders- “Leading from the Second Position”

Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP) webinar- “Retreat to Succeed: Why Annual Retreats are Crucial for Small Admission Teams”

April 2023

Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) Administrative Support Conference- “Priorities and Boundaries: Developing Your Leadership as an Administrative Assistant”

December 2022

Enrollment Management Association webinar- “Booting your 1:1 meetings with Direct Reports”

November 2022

Southern Association of Independent Schools webinar- “Leading from the Second Position”

February 2021

National Business Officers Association (NBOA) Annual Conference- “Structuring Meaningful Institutional Partnerships”

June 2015

Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP) Annual Conference- “Enrollment Management Planning- The Head of School and Director of Admission Partnership”

February 2015

National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Annual Conference, Boston- “Enrollment Management Planning- The Head of School and Director of Admission Partnership”

December 2014

The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) Annual Conference- “The Role of Data in Enrollment Planning”